
Tuesday, July 5


The Optimist has dies and wakes up in hell. It turns out that hell is a vast ocean of feces in which the damned are submerged up to their chins. The optimist looks around and addresses the person next to him who has evidently been around for a linger time: ‘So, this is what hell is? A big ocean of feces?’

‘Yes,’ says the neighbor. ‘This is what it is.’

The optimists thinks for a moment, then says, ‘well, at least we’re only buried to our chins.’

At this moment a strange noise is heard in the distance. Putt-putt. Putt-putt

‘what is this noise?’ asks the optimist.

His neighbor replies, ‘This is the devil in his motorboat.’

Peter Berger, Redeeming Laughter, p 10


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